Halo Cards:
Halo Cards are a twist on Cardistry Trainers and Squids. Card Flourishing is the act of performing dexterity maneuvers with a deck of cards. Cardistry Trainers or Squids are flat thick cards used for practice but some people focus just on that prop because it itself is a different toy in a sense. By combining the concept of the Halo Toy to Cards we get Halo Cards.
Each set comes with Four Cards. Each Card has two 30mm holes symmetrically centered while on either opposing corners they have slots used for stacking the cards corners to create towers. The Cards are made from 100% Stainless Steel for durability and are around 33 grams per Card. So each set is around 134 grams. The weight is not too heavy and just right for performing aerials or Kendama like tricks.
This is a prop intended for those who are really into Object Manipulation. If you are a person looking for something new to discover tricks with or need something unique for your act. Halo Cards will do the job!